10ish Things We Are Loving Right Now-October 2018 Edition
Hello beautiful people!
Welcome to our first edition of “ish we’re currently loving”, where we share a few of our favorite things that we’re into right now and why we think y’all should check them out too. We know life can be crazy, so we figured we’d save you the trouble of searching high and low for the latest and greatest products and we’d bring them right to you (rolly deodorant, the world’s softest shirts, weird body oil- just to name a few). You’re welcome.
So here it is- a few of our favorite products. They’re cheap. They’re easy to use. Simple products for some simple girls. Good news- you can get almost all of these products on Amazon, so it’ll be delivered to your doorstep in 2 days. Who can wait 7-10 business days? Its 2018 people.
Now some of these products are kind of weird, but actually lend themselves to being pretty useful. Please see: 90’s style headphones.
While others are actually something you need to stop whatever you’re doing (reading this, but be sure you come back) and order right now.Please see: Aerie soft AF shirts (all colors). Welp, go enjoy the video! All the “ish” is linked below…
The “before/ after” of using the TruSkin serum for 6 months. Sorry about the lighting and the prison mugshots…
The "before (top)/ after” using the Lavish Lash for 3 months…
The stuff we are loving:
Secret Rolly Deodorant (not to be confused with chapstick)
Cute plant (that serves no purpose other than being cute)
Believe it OR not- we were not asked to speak on these products- we won’t even earn any commission off each sale, we are just THAT passionate about finger massagers and having the longest lashes.
We’d also LOVE to hear from y’all. What are some of your weirdest / coolest / most helpful products?