Thriving Thirties- Why Your 30's Are The Best — Adventures of a Ginger and a Blonde


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Thriving Thirties- Why Your 30's Are The Best

Thriving Thirties- Why Your 30's Are The Best

“Cheers to 30 Years”, “30 and Thriving”, “The Dirty 30”- We rang in our 30th birthdays shouting these phrases at the top of our lungs. We figured the louder we were, the more chance we had at drowning out the incredibly sad and depressed voices we had in our heads that were telling us our 30s were like a death sentence. The end of an amazing chapter, the start of an OLD new one. We were not initially thrilled, which really says a lot because our birthdays matter very much to us (Jesse’s is Feb. 9th and Ashley’s is Dec. 27th in case you want to send anything special our way). We cried and vented to one another. We offered words of encouragement: “You’re as young as you think and feel, sister”. And the thirties came.

BUT we will tell you what- we celebrated each of our dirty 30 birthdays BIG. Trips to Savannah with the Wolfpack- exploring, drinking, and dancing. All the fun stuff. And you know what? These couple of years in our thirties (don’t get carried away, we aren’t in deep yet) have been some of the absolute best years of our lives to date. So we are podcasting it (is that a thing?) and telling you all the reasons we think our thirties and your thirties are the absolute best.

Relax- your 30's are just like your 20s- except you look older and everything hurts a little more. Jk. Your 30's DON'T suck. Tune in to hear why.

Your turn- we want your feedback:

If you’re not yet 30, what are you most looking forward to OR dreading?

If you’re 30- do you agree with us?

If you’re over 30- does life get better with time?

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