

Welcome to our humble blog. We are a lifestyle blogcast focused on sharing a wide range of topics that include humor, honesty, travel tips, inspiration, female empowerment, friendship, and everything in between. Come for the laughs, stay for the endless good times.

Pet Peeves (The Things That Make Our Skin Crawl)

Pet Peeves (The Things That Make Our Skin Crawl)

A pet peeve, pet aversion, or pet hate is a minor annoyance that an individual identifies as particularly irritating to them, to a greater degree than would be expected based on the experience of others.

Pet peeves. We all have them. Some of us have more than others. Today’s podcast we dive right in to the shit that annoys us the most. We think it may be one of the most relatable podcasts yet. It is likely we won’t be friends if you consistently do any of the things we list in today’s episode- so go give it a listen if you’re interested in being friends with us. We’re kidding. Or are we?

Now, let’s bond over the stuff that drives us crazy (or maybe you’ll just think we’re crazy).

We dive into our pet peeves and the shit that makes our skin crawl.

Help us feel less like judgmental a-holes and tell us the stuff that drives you nuts. Any we forgot to mention?

It's Called Fashion, Look It Up.

It's Called Fashion, Look It Up.

How To Host A Bitchin’ Wine And Tapas Party

How To Host A Bitchin’ Wine And Tapas Party